You cannot solve a problem unless you know its root cause. First, you have to factor all possible causes that created the problem, and then think of the solution(s). Finding …
Hick’s Law – Decision Making Simplified
What is Hick’s Law? And how you can predict the decision-making time. You are sitting with your friends at a restaurant after a busy day at work. Due to the workload, …
Defining User Personas: What Stays Behind a Smart User Profiling
It can be easily assumed that one rather important part in UX is user profiling. To determine the needs one may have or the assets one might look for we …
Storyboard for a better UX Design
Websites and applications have evolved to be more advanced and complicated. To give users a better experience the UX design is becoming the most significant phase of the entire design …
The Architecture of a Design Language System (DLS). How Perishable is This Language?
In a digital era, every business has an impressive hunger of design and marketing materials as their success is depending on it. But big companies and corporations are looking for …
Responsive Web: How to Find Out If Your Web Design Works on Mobile Too? Four Things You Need to Pay Attention To
Everybody is now visiting websites from their mobile browser. No one doubts today that the use of smartphones is exploding and every business owner begin to realize that now his …
Enchasing User Experience: Five Reasons To Stop Following Design Trends
Everyone is trying to create a spectacular, impressive, distinctive and modern design, by following the freshest design trends. However, keeping up with the new trends is not the secret of …
How to choose a good colour scheme for your website?
Whenever we see a colour, our eyes communicate with the brain realising some hormones which cause fluctuations in mood, emotion and resulting in behaviour. Research shows that colour is 85% …
Want a Logo?
What does your business mean? We are sure it means a lot to you, but what does it mean to the others? A logo is the visual impact your clients …
Pantone Color of the Year 2018
We are proud to present the Pantone Color of the year- ULTRA VIOLET 18-3838. Letting your imagination run free, this inventive and creative color paves the way into the new year. …